Products & Services � Package of Practices

Botanical Name: Solanum tuberosum
  • Early varieties :

  • Kufri Jyothi:White skin.Field resistance to late and early blights,immune to wart and tolerant to viruses. Wide adaptablity.
    Kufri chandramukhi:White skinned, and has high dry matter and good keeping quality.
    Kufri Bahar:Heavy yielder. Susceptible to late blight.
    Kufri Sadabahar:White, oblong, shallow eyed tubers, having white flush.Has got field resistance to late blight.
    Kufri Lauvkar:Rapid bulking under warmer conditions.
    Kufri Badshah:Resistant to both late and early blights and PVX.
    Kufri Lalima:Red tuber and resistant to virus 'X'.
  • Late Varieties:

  • Kufri Sindhoori:Essentially short day adapted variety with red tuber. Heavy yielder even on low inputs.
    Kufri Khasigaro:Resistant to both late and early blight.
    Kufri Dewa:Good keeping quality and resistant to frost.
  • Processing varieties:

  • Kufri Himsona:Hybrid.Resistant to late blight .Produces excellent white chips on frying
    Kufri chipsona-2:Hybrid. Medium-maturing and resistant to late blight
    Kurfi chipsona-3:Hybrid. Easy to cook, has excellent flavour with best aroma when boiled or baked and is free from discoloration after cooking.
  • Seed varieties :

  • HPSI/13:
    Climate & Soil: Can be grown in rainshadow regions of Idukki district. A day temperature of 20-30 degree Celsius is beneficial for growth and tuberisation. Loose frible sandy loam or silt loam rich in organic matter are ideal.
    Season: March – April, August – December, January – February
    Seed rate: 1000-2000kg seed tubers
    Spacing: Tuber or cut pieces weighing 50-60 gm are planted on ridges that are 50-60cm wide, at a spacing of 15-20cm between the plants.
    Nutrient management : Basal application of FYM (20t/ha) is required at the time of field preparation. Apply 60 Kg N, 100 Kg P2O5 and 120 Kg K2O as basal. Topdressing with 60 Kg N 30 days after planting recommended.
    Crop Management: Earthing up 30 DAP and 70 DAP required. Irrigation required.
    Pest Management :
    • Cut worm: Dust carbaryl 105 days after planting.
    • Leaf eating caterpillar: Spray carbaryl 0.2%.
    • Aphids, Jassids: Spray dimethoate @ 1ml/l.
    Disease Management :
    • Earlyblight:Spray zineb 2gm/l.cultivate resistant varieties.
    • Late blight:The most serious potato disease worldwide.Destroys leaves, stems and tubers.Spray copper fungicides, cultivate resistant varieties.
    Harvesting: Early maturing varieties can be harvested 80 days after planting and late varieties by 110-120 days after planting.
    Yield: 15-18 t/ha
